Killifish Hypoxia RRBS Part 24

Returning to the killifish project (again)

Okay! Neel and I both have more time and momentum so we’re picking this up again. My current task is to clarify the methylation analysis. When Neel was investigating the RNA data, he saw that there were more DEG, and more hypoxia-related DEG, when comparing the outside control to the normoxia and hypoxia treatments. It seems like the normoxia treatment wasn’t actually normoxia, and instead a poorly mixed intermediate low oxygen treatment. In light of this, Neel suggested I examine differences between the outside control and hypoxia treatments in the methylation data.

BAT_summarize and BAT_overview

Back to my old frenemy, BAT. I returned to this script to reorient myself to what needed to be done. I had previously run the analysis with the new genome, so I just needed to add in this new comparison. Originally, Neel and I agreed we didn’t need it. Whoops.

I added in code to make the hypoxia versus outside control comparisons for each population in the BAT_summarize script:

echo "Oxygen within NB: Hypoxia vs. OC"

#Run BAT_summarize
#in1: comma-separated bedGraphs from NBH hypoxia
#in2: comma-separated bedGraphs from NBH OC
#groups: comma-separated list of gorup identifiers
#h1: comma-separated list of sample identifiers for group 1
#h2: comma-seaprated list of sample identifiers for group 2
#out: prefix for output files

BAT_summarize \
--in1 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.sort.bedgraph \
--in2 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N5_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N1_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N4_CG.sort.bedgraph \
--groups HY,OC \
--h1 5-N1,5-N2,5-N3  \
--h2 OC-N5,OC-N1,OC-N2,OC-N4 \
--out ${SUMMARIZE}/N \

#Move files to a new directory

mkdir ${SUMMARIZE}/5_OC_N

echo "Oxygen within SC: Hypoxia vs. OC"

#Run BAT_summarize
#in1: comma-separated bedGraphs from SC hypoxia
#in2: comma-separated bedGraphs from SC OC
#groups: comma-separated list of gorup identifiers
#h1: comma-separated list of sample identifiers for group 1
#h2: comma-seaprated list of sample identifiers for group 2
#out: prefix for output files

BAT_summarize \
--in1 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1_CG.sort.bedgraph \
--in2 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_OC-S1_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-S2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-S3_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_OC-S5_CG.sort.bedgraph \
--groups HY,OC \
--h2 5-S3,5-S4,5-S2,5-S1 \
--h2 OC-S1,OC-S2,OC-S3,OC-S5 \
--out ${SUMMARIZE}/S \

#Move files to a new directory

mkdir ${SUMMARIZE}/5_OC_S

And then the BAT_overview script:

echo "Oxygen within NB: Hypoxia vs. OC"

#Run BAT_overview
#-i: Input bedGraph from BAT_summarize
#-o: Output prefix
#--groups: comma-separated list of group identifiers

BAT_overview.R  \
-i ${SUMMARIZE}/5_OC_N/N_summary_HY_OC.bedgraph \
-o ${OVERVIEW}/5_OC_N \
--groups HY,OC

echo "Oxygen within SC: Hypoxia vs. OC"

#Run BAT_overview
#-i: Input bedGraph from BAT_summarize
#-o: Output prefix
#--groups: comma-separated list of group identifiers

BAT_overview.R  \
-i ${SUMMARIZE}/5_OC_S/S_summary_HY_OC.bedgraph \
-o ${OVERVIEW}/5_OC_S \
--groups HY,OC

I then ran the BAT_analysis script. Of course, I encountered several errors. Mainly typos, but one that actually required troubleshooting:

less /vortexfs1/scratch/yaamini.venkataraman/05-analysis/yrv_analysis753159.log Oxygen within NB: Hypoxia vs. OC [INFO] Tue May 21, 13:39:0, 2024 BAT_summarize v0.1 started [INFO] Tue May 21, 13:39:0, 2024 Checking flags [INFO] Tue May 21, 13:39:0, 2024 Calculation of summary files Input error, failed to extract end value from ‘MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1,’ (column 3) in /yaaminiv/killifish-hypoxia-RRBS/output/04-calling/new-genome/filtered/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N2_CG.sort.bedgraph line 1 [INFO] Tue May 21, 13:39:0, 2024 Writing bedgraph files and converting to bw

Since BAT_summarize failed, there was no input for BAT_overview. Seems like there was some sort of issue with the bedgraphs. I picked one file and looked at the head and tail.

(base) [yaamini.venkataraman@poseidon-l1 filtered]$ head 190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.bedgraph NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 649 650 1.00 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 664 665 1.00 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 904 905 0.33 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 923 924 0.75 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 930 931 1.00 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 30793080 0.75 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 30803081 0.92 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 30873088 0.87 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 30883089 0.92 NC_046361.1 Fundulus heteroclitus isolate FHET01 chromosome 1, MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1, whole genome shotgun sequence 31143115 0.28

(base) [yaamini.venkataraman@poseidon-l1 filtered]$ tail 190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.bedgraph NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 15546 15547 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 15547 15548 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 15662 15663 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 15772 15773 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 16418 16419 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 16419 16420 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 16449 16450 0.01 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 16450 16451 0.06 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 16482 16483 0.00 NC_012312.1 Fundulus heteroclitus mitochondrion, complete genome 16483 16484 0.00

Throughout the bedgraph, there were different numbers of columns due to some very unfortunate genome annotation. When I looked at my BAT-analysis script, I saw that I had previously wrote code to deal with this issue:

Sort bedGraphs
for f in *bedgraph
/vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/bedtools2/bin/sortBed \
-i ${f} \
| awk '{print $1"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7}' \
> $(basename ${f%.bedgraph}).sort.bedgraph

While this may have worked for the old genome, it certainly doesn’t work for the new genome. What I really needed was the first column of every bedgraph (chromosome), and then the last three columns for CpG start, stop, and percent methylation. A quick Stack Overflow search showed me how to grab the last three columns with awk (oddly specific). By using NF (number of fields) as a variable, I could tell awk to pull the last column (NF), penultimate column (NF-1), and third from the end (NF-2). Super handy!

for f in *bedgraph
/vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/bedtools2/bin/sortBed \
-i ${f} | \
awk 'NF{print $1,$(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}'  OFS="\t" \
> $(basename ${f%.bedgraph}).sort.bedgraph

This solved my issues so I was actually able to get output. The BAT_summarize output can be found here and the BAT_overview output can be found here.

Looking at the BAT_overview output, I see some potentially higher levels of methylation when comparing the outside control with the hypoxia treatment for both populations. It’s a good reminder to me that for each comparison, BAT pulls common CpG with a certain coverage threshold. So I’ll need to do my own analysis on the side apart from every common CpG if I want to dig into the methylation landscape.


Now to the main event! I returned to this script and fixed some stuff in my environmental variable file. I added the hypoxia vs. outside control comparisons in this script:

echo "Oxygen within NB: Hypoxia vs. OC"

#Run BAT_DMRcalling

BAT_DMRcalling \
-q ${SUMMARIZE}/5_OC_N/N_metilene_HY_OC.txt  \
-o ${DMR}/5_OC_N \
-a HY \
-b OC

#Move files to a new directory

mkdir ${DMR}/5_OC_N
mv ${DMR}/5_OC_N_* ${DMR}/5_OC_N/.
mv ${DMR}/5_OC_N.* ${DMR}/5_OC_N/.

echo "Oxygen within SC: Hypoxia vs. OC"

#Run BAT_DMRcalling

BAT_DMRcalling \
-q ${SUMMARIZE}/5_OC_S/S_metilene_HY_OC.txt  \
-o ${DMR}/5_OC_S \
-a NO \
-b OC

#Move files to a new directory

mkdir ${DMR}/5_OC_S
mv ${DMR}/5_OC_S_* ${DMR}/5_OC_S/.
mv ${DMR}/5_OC_S.* ${DMR}/5_OC_S/.

It ran without a hitch!

Table 1. Number of DMR for each comparison.

Population Treatment Number of DMR
NB vs. SC All 0
NB vs. SC Outside Control 0
NB vs. SC Normoxia 0
NB vs. SC Hypoxia 0
New Bedford OC vs. NO 0
New Bedford OC vs. HY 59
New Bedford NO vs. HY 0
Scorton Creek OC vs. NO 0
Scorton Creek OC vs. HY 0
Scorton Creek NO vs. HY 0

So, things are getting interesting. The 0 DMR for all the other comparisons I expected, but it’s interesting to see that my only comparison with DMR was the outside control vs. hypoxia for the New Bedford fish. The NBH fish are more resilient to toxicants, so it’s not only interesting that they’re mounting a methylation response to hypoxia, but that they are only mounting a response to the most extreme treatment. Perhaps this means that methylation response is yet another tool these fish have when responding to stressors? I’ll need to dig into the genomic locations of these DMR to learn more.

Going forward

  1. Update methods and results
  2. Characterize the general methylation landscape
  3. Create methylation landscape figure
  4. Determine the genomic locations of DMR
  5. Create DMR figure
  6. Update OSF repository for all intermediate files
  7. Map STAR transcript names to Ensembl IDs from genome
  8. Conduct pathway analysis for RNA-Seq data by population
  9. Identify known SNP/DMR overlaps
Written on May 21, 2024