February 2017 Goals
February Goals
Can’t believe it’s February already! Forgot to write my January goals, so I’ll just provide update on my December Goals instead.
December Goals Update
- Successfully complete protein extractions for 10 DNR samples: Sample preparations are done! They even finished on the mass spectrometer.
- Figure out when DNA extractions make sense: Still haven’t done this, but I’ll touch on it in my February goals
- Apply for relevant fellowships: I’m working on the Hall Conservation Genetics Fellowship right now.
Since there’s so much going on this month, I’ve split my goals up into categories:
Manchester Project
- Visit NOAA Manchester facility weekly to take discrete water samples and perform tank maintenance
- Start writing methods for potential paper?
DNR Project
- Analyze mass spectrometry data in PECAN and Skyline
- Find significant differences between protein and peptide concentrations
- Develop methods for targeted assay
- Plan timeline for second round of protein extractions
NSA Poster Presentation
- First draft of poster for NSA presentation
DNR Paper
- Finish methods and results section
- Outline discussion and introduction sections
Metaanalysis Paper
- Aggregate all data
- Write about data aggregation process
- Develop methods for metaanalysis
- Analyze data
- Outline introduction section
- Figure out who should be on my committee!
- Draft plan of study
Written on February 1, 2017