West Coast Green Crab Experiment Part 17
Treatment Days 44-49
- No mortalities!
- T1: 6
- T4: 8
- T7: 6
- Fed all tanks 1/8 tsp of food
- No mortalities!
- T1: 6
- T4: 8
- T7: 6
- Ammonia check and conditioner added when ammonia > 1.0. 60% of water replaced in all tanks
- T1: 0.5
- T4: 2.0
- T7: 1.0
- Changed filters and fed all tanks 1/4 tsp of food so I wouldn’t have to come in tomorrow
- No mortalities!
- T1: 6
- T4: 8
- T7: 6
- Fed all tanks 1/4 tsp of food so I wouldn’t have to come in tomorrow
- Labelled tubes. Unknown status (not sure if alive or dead based on spreadsheet for the following crabs, seem like anomalies based on current survivorship)
- T4: 5-066, 5-075
- T7: 5-134
- T1
- Salinity: 39
- 5-015: Guessed the crab number based on the final digit of the label, which was correct.
- T4
- Salinity: 39
- 5-066: NOT THERE. This makes sense! When I combed through the TTR spreadsheets and my old notes, I realized that 5-066 was sampled 7/5/23 and placed in a tube that said 5-060.
- 5-068: Escaped after we did TTR! We found it hiding behind the dry ice cooler at the end of the experiment when we were cleaning up. Since it hung out for a while in air, sampling it for the experiment didn’t make any sense.
- 5-075: Sampled normally :)
- Probe/chamber 2: switched during background because the fitting was coming off
- T7:
- Salinity: 39
- 5-134 —> NOT THERE. Makes sense because it died 7/23/23!
THE EXPERIMENT IS FINALLY DONE! I’m sure other things will come up as I clean data but for now it’s time to sleep.
Going forward
- Assist Lauren and Julia with final presentations
- Test formatting and analysis for one set of respirometry data
- Respirometry analysis
- Update methods
- Update results
Written on August 16, 2023