Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment Part 36

Making figures for the manuscript

We’re working on a manuscript deadline! I need to make some composite figures that highlight the results, so that’s what we’re going to do.

Julia’s results

First things first: I moved all of Julia’s stuff into the same Github repository as the 2024 MA and WA data! Figured it would be easier to have everything in the same repository for publication. I opened up this code and re-tooled some existing figures. I wanted to highlight differences in righting by timepoint and by the presence of the T allele. I also calculated some average values to include in the manuscript, which I put here.


Figure 1. Julia’s results

2024 results

I made multipanel figures for my WA results in this code and placed the average calculations here.


Figure 2. WA results

Similarly, made the multipanel figure for my MA results in this script and saved calculations here. The MA is slightly different than the WA one because I needed to include a panel for genotype-specific differences.


Figure 3. MA results

My next steps are to re-analyze Catlin’s data and tackle the HOBO data.

Going forward

  1. Genotype Catlin’s samples
  2. Add Catlin’s methods and results to manuscript
  3. Analyze 2024 HOBO data
  4. Analyze Julia’s HOBO data
  5. Analyze Catlin’s HOBO data
  6. Create an experimental setup figure
  7. Outline introduction
  8. Outline discussion
  9. Determine methods for comparing population responses
  10. Troubleshoot lipid assay protocol
  11. Conduct lipid assay for crabs of interest
Written on March 18, 2025