Killifish Hypoxia RRBS Part 29


This is has the potential to be very exciting or a huge letdown.

With BAT, you can provide methylation and gene expression data to BAT_correlating to get correlation information for the mean methylation rate of the DMR and expression of the associated gene. Even though this is part of the BAT DMR module, I decided to set up a new set of scripts for the analysis, since I had to run a couple of analyses in between to get to this point:

I needed the following information:

-b BED file containing coordinates of region (for overlapping with methylation bigWig file) and name of associated gene identifier (to connect to expression file). Format: chr start end identifier. Identifier need to match gene identifiers of the expression files (option -e). -e File containing a list of expression files (one per sample). The content of each file must follow this format identifier something expression_value. -m File containing a list of methylation bigWig files (one per sample). -g File containing the association of sample identifiers to groups. Format: sample group. The list of samples in the file must be ordered analogously as in the list of files given with options -e and -m. -i Comma-separated list of group 1 and group2 as well as an optional additional third group for plotting. Groups need to match the group names in the file provide with option -g. -o Path/prefix for output (path for correlation plots and path/prefix.txt for statistics).

All of them seemed pretty straightforward to make. I got the gene expression data and a list of file mappings from Neel and proceeded to follow the example code to make input files:

#Create BAT_correlating input

mkdir ${CORR}/20_OC_N

echo "Create BEDfile with DMR and gene coordinates"

cat ${ANNOT}/20_OC_N_DMR.closestGene.bed \
| cut -f1-3,14 \
| tr ";" "\t" \
| cut -f1-4 \
| sed 's/ID=gene-//g' \
> ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_DMR_gene.bed

echo "Create methylation bigWig file list"

ls ${BIGWIG}/20_OC_N/*bw \
| grep -v "mean" \
| grep -v "diff" \
| sed 's/\t/\n/' \
> ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_methylation_files.list

echo "Create gene expression file list"

ls ${RNA}/*threeCol.txt \
| grep -e "20-N" -e "OC-N" \
| sed 's/\t/\n/' \
> ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_expression_files.list

echo "Create sample identifier list"

echo -e '20-N1\tNO\n20-N2\tNO\n20-N4\tNO\nOC-N1\tOC\nOC-N2\tOC\nOC-N3\tOC\nOC-N4\tOC\nOC-N5\tOC' > ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_sample_to_group.txt

A couple of notes about how I made the gene expression files. I got this new metadata table from Neel that maps the RNA-Seq and RRBS data files to eachother. The RNA-Seq and RRBS files have to have the same sample identifier. I renamed files and saved them in this folder.

Initially I didn’t modify the RNA-Seq data. Then when I was running my code I got the following error:

DMR Correlating Module Oxygen within NB: Outside Control vs. Hypoxia Create BEDfile with DMR and gene coordinates Create methylation bigWig file list Create gene expression file list Create sample identifier list [INFO] Fri Aug 16, 15:8:24, 2024 BAT_correlating v0.1 started [INFO] Fri Aug 16, 15:8:24, 2024 Checking input [INFO] Fri Aug 16, 15:8:24, 2024 Calculating average methylation /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory /bin/bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory [INFO] Fri Aug 16, 15:8:25, 2024 Getting expression values [INFO] Fri Aug 16, 15:8:25, 2024 Started plotting correlation plots Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, : line 1 did not have 4 elements Calls: main -> read.table -> scan Execution halted AN ERROR has occurred: problem with calling R Done with DMR correlating

I reviewed the input file information and realized the RNA-Seq data needed three columns (identifier <tab> something <tab> expression_value), and that the second column didn’t need to be anything informative! I used awk to modify the columns of each RNA-Seq file:

#Navigate to bedGraph directory
cd /vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/killifish-hypoxia-RRBS/data/RNA-Seq-renamed

#Sort bedGraphs
for f in *txt
awk -F "\t" '{ print $1, $1, $2 }' ${f} \
> $(basename ${f%.txt}).threeCol.txt

head *threeCol.txt

Modifying the files got rid of that error!

Once I had my input files, I ran the code:

#Create output directory
mkdir ${CORR}/20_OC_N/correlation_output

#Run BAT_DMRcalling
#-b: BED file with coordinates of methylation region and name of identifier: chr <tab> start <tab> end <tab> identifier
#-e: List of expression files, one per sample. Each sample's file: identifier <tab> something <tab> expression_value
#-m: File containing a list of methylation bigWig files (one per sample).
#-g: File containing the association of sample identifiers to groups. The list of samples in the file must be ordered analogously as in the list of files given with options -e and -m.: sample <tab> group
#-i: Comma-separated list of group1 and group2
#-o Path/prefix for output

BAT_correlating \
-b ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_DMR_gene.bed \
-e ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_expression_files.list \
-m ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_methylation_files.list \
-g ${CORR}/20_OC_N/20_OC_N_sample_to_group.txt \
-i NO,OC \
-o ${CORR}/20_OC_N/correlation_output/

The input and output files are saved here. In both statistical output files, I noticed that NA was used for correlation coefficients and p-values where the DMR did not overlap with the gene. When the DMR and gene overlapped, there were numerical values.

The normoxia vs. outside control comparison had no significant DMR-gene expression correlations. However, the hypoxia vs. outside control comparison did! None of the genes significantly correlated with DMR are differentially expressed. Given that non-mammalian systems don’t have clear correlations between methylation and gene expression (even in vertebrates), I think it’s still worth exploring what genes had significant correlations.

Table 1. Genes where expression was significantly correlated with methylation

ENSG_ID Methylation Region adj.R2 rho rho.p-val
LOC105937346 NC_046383.1:39015627-39015700 0.61 0.86 0.012
zmp:0000001200 NC_046367.1:27169459-27169669 0.26 0.86 0.0238
LOC105923802 NW_023397202.1:16469-16563 0.62 0.77 0.0408

None of these genes are annotated! Classic. Another letdown with this workflow is that it creates pdfs……but I can’t access them. The code creates pdfs plotting gene expression against region methylation to show the strength of the correlation. While I can see these plots were created, I can’t open or move them! Interestingly, I got an error when I tried to move the files with rsync saying they disappeared. These plots are probably easy enough to create myself, so I’ll do that when I make some DMR plots anyways.

Going forward

  1. Create DMR figures
  2. Update methods and results
  3. Identify known SNP/DMR overlaps
  4. Update OSF repository for all intermediate files
Written on August 16, 2024