Killifish Hypoxia RRBS Part 5

Full sample alignment

Today’s the day! I’m going to start my full sample aligment. I filled out the form to request an exception to the WHOI HPC fair usage policy, since the maximum default wall time for users is 24 hours, and I need to run the mapping script for 240 hours (20 days).

Re-trimming 190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_OC-N3_1.fq.gz

Neel re-uploaded 190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_OC-N3_1.fq.gz, so I ran my trimgalore script to determine if re-upload fixed the trimming issues I was having. TL;DR it didn’t. The sample must be truncated somewhere else, so Neel told me to remove that sample and proceed with the full alignment.

Merging samples

Neel provided me sample metadata so I could write the code for BAT_merging. There are two populations — Scorton Creek and New Bedford Harbor — and two oxygen treatments — 5% (hypoxia) and 20% (normoxia). Since oxygen experiments were conducted in chambers, there was an outside-chamber control to correct for any effects within the chamber.

I used the BAT_merging manual and example to write the merging code. This step functions similarly to methylKit::unite, where methylation information acros samples in a treatment is combined.

#New Bedford Harbor, hypoxia
singularity exec --bind /vortexfs1/home/naluru/:/naluru,/vortexfs1/scratch/yaamini.venkataraman:/scratch /vortexfs1/home/naluru/bat_latest.sif \
BAT_merging \
-o ${SINGMERGED}/05-N.bam \
--bam ${SINGMAPPED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1.bam,${SINGMAPPED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2.bam,${SINGMAPPED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N3.bam

More singularity particularities

Once I got permission from IS, I queued my full alignment script. And of course, it immediately failed. I got the following error:

Mapping Module
[INFO]  Thu Mar 17, 13:57:18, 2022      BAT_mapping v0.1 started
[INFO]  Thu Mar 17, 13:57:18, 2022      Checking flags

    usage:  perl BAT_mapping  -g <string> -q <string> -i <string> -o <string> [-p <string>] [-t <number>] [-F <number>] [--tmp <string>] [-a <string>] [--segemehl <string>] [--samtools <string>] [--exclude <number>] [--stdout]

    [INPUT]     -g          path/filename of reference genome fasta
                -q          path/filename of query sequences (reads)
                -p          path/filename of mate pair sequences (default: none)
                -i          path/prefix of database indices

    [GENERAL]   -o          path/prefix of outfiles
                -t          start <num_threads> threads (default: 1)
                -F          bisulfite mapping with methylC-seq/Lister et al. (=1) or bs-seq/Cokus et al. protocol (=2) (default: 1)
                -a          quoted string of additional segemehl parameters (default: none)
                --tmp       path of temporary directory (default: result directory)
                --exclude   if XF_flag>number, mapping is excluded from regular bam file (default: 3)
                --segemehl  path/filename of segemehl executable (default: installed)
                --samtools  path/filename of samtools (default: installed)
##### AN ERROR has occurred: required option -p missing

I was able to access the singularity container and start running BAT_mapping, but it couldn’t find my files. After messing around with singularity interactively, I realized I needed to set variables within the singularity container if I wanted to use them with singularity exec. Proceed internet digging. I found I could use --env when calling the container to define variables. I tested this with TRIMMED=/scratch/02-trimgalore and it worked! But (for obvious reasons) I was unable to set FASTQ=ls /vortexfs1/scratch/yaamini.venkataraman/02-trimgalore/*gz | rev | cut -c15- | rev | sort | uniq with --env. I decided to define variables by calling a file with --env-file, saved here. To create a list of file prefixes to use, I created an array.

The script failed again because it couldn’t identify the files. So something was wrong with my array, or the way my array was being called in the for loop. Based on this Stack Overflow suggestion, I used "${FASTQ[@]}" instead of $FASTQ to get the for loop to go through my array. Unfortunately this didn’t solve my issue. I tried working with singularity interactively to see if I could figure out the problem.

I was able to create the array! But I realized the directories were all wrong, and that’s probably why the files couldn’t be found! I re-made my array with the proper paths based on the bound directories in the container:

#List of files to process
FASTQ=(/scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-N4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_OC-S1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_20-N2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N5 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-S2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-S3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-N1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-S2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_OC-S5)

Unfortunately, that didn’t solve my problem of actually having the files called properly in a loop. I posted this issue. After walking him through my issues, Sam suggested I create a new script with all of my mapping commands. I can then call that bash script within my singularity exec command. The bash script would also have the command to create the FASTQ array, since I was unable to pass the array with -env_file. I created the separate BAT_mapping and BAT_mapping_stat scripts. I then tested that I was able to pass files through with the array interactively:

#Populate FASTQ array with prefixes of files to process
FASTQ=(/scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-N4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_OC-S1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_20-N2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N4 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-N5 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-S2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_OC-S3 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-N1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-S2 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1 /scratch/02-trimgalore/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_OC-S5)

for f in "${FASTQ[@]}"
  echo ${TRIMMED}/${f}_1_val_1.fq.gz

This worked! I moved the scripts over to Poseidon and made them executable:

chmod +x
chmod +x

I then modified my mapping and statistics code to call my scripts. I tried running the script and found out I did need to bind my home directory, so I did that:

echo "Mapping Module"

#Run BAT_mapping script
singularity exec --env-file /vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/03-alignment-envfile.txt \
--bind /vortexfs1/home/naluru/:/naluru,/vortexfs1/scratch/yaamini.venkataraman:/scratch,/vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/:/yaaminiv \
/vortexfs1/home/naluru/bat_latest.sif \

echo "Done with mapping"

echo "Statistics Module"

#Run BAT_mapping_stat script
singularity exec --env-file /vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/03-alignment-envfile.txt \
--bind /vortexfs1/home/naluru/:/naluru,/vortexfs1/scratch/yaamini.venkataraman:/scratch,/vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/:/yaaminiv \
/vortexfs1/home/naluru/bat_latest.sif \

echo "Done with statistics"

Of course, more errors. I kept getting the error that -p file was not found, so I thought I’d check to make sure that the variables passed with --env-file were still valid with ls $TRIMMED. I was able to print all the files in that directory in my SLURM output, so I know the variables still work. I tried one more thing: printing the full file paths used.

for f in "${FASTQ[@]}"
echo ${TRIMMED}/${f}_1_val_1.fq.gz
echo ${TRIMMED}/${f}_2_val_2.fq.gz

…whoops. I fixed the array by removing directory paths. Now it’s running!

Going forward

  1. Check on alignment
  2. Review next BAT module
Written on March 22, 2022