Killifish Hypoxia RRBS Part 9
General methylation landscape comparisons
The next step in the workflow is the analysis module. It has three steps: summarize methylation information for each treatment (similar to methylKit::unite
), produce an overview of methylome differences, and look at methylome differences at specific annotated elements.
Defining contrasts
The first thing I wanted to do was test BAT_summarize
for my samples. Immediately I ran into an issue. Similar to methylKit
, BAT_summarize
only allows for comparisons between two groups. Based on that, I came up with a list of contrasts to test:
- New Bedford vs. Scorton Creek, irrespsective of oyxgen conditions: This will provide me population-specific methylation differences. I hypothesize that many of these differences would be related to genetic differences between populations, as tolerant populations can have vastly different genome structures in certain pathways.
- Normoxia vs. Hypoxia, irrespective of population: This will provide me oxygen-induced methylation differences. I can remove any population-specific methylome differences from this list to get purely environmentally-influenced positions
- Normoxia vs. Hypoxia within each population: If there are vast differences in methylation between populations (should be able to visualize with a PCA), then that would justify examining each population separately. However, I don’t know if I have the sample size for this
- Normoxia vs. Outside Control, irrespective of population: This contrast will give me captivity-related methylation differences I should remove from consideration for any DMR
I want to discuss these contrasts with Neel before finalizing my plan, but I decided to test BAT_summarize
for the two populations since I know I’ll need that information no matter what.
Testing BAT_summarize
I created this script and this variable file for the analysis module and started drafting the code for BAT_summarize
based on the handbook and examples. I created a singularity
container in an interactive mode to test the following code:
#Filtered output directory
#All population output directory
BAT_summarize \
--in1 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-N4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_20-N2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-N1_CG.bedgraph \
--in2 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S1_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-S2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1_CG.bedgraph \
--groups N,S \
--h1 20-N4,5-N1,5-N2,20-N2,5-N3,20-N1 \
--h2 20-S1,20-S3,20-S4,5-S3,5-S4,5-S2,20-S2,5-S1 \
--out ${ALL_POP}
This code produced an error that I was missing a required argument. Looking back at the handbook and some reference code Neel sent me, I discerned that I needed a file of chromosome lengths for this command. Based on code I wrote for the C. gigas genome, I unzipped the Mummichog genome, then created a file with chromosome lengths:
(base) [yaamini.venkataraman@pn118 Killifish]$ gzip -d Fundulus_heteroclitus.Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2.dna.toplevel.fa.gz
(base) [yaamini.venkataraman@pn118 Killifish]$ head Fundulus_heteroclitus.Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2.dna.toplevel.fa
==> Fundulus_heteroclitus.Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2.dna.toplevel.fa <==
>KN805525.1 dna:primary_assembly primary_assembly:Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2:KN805525.1:1:6356336:1 REF
awk '$0 ~ ">" {print c; c=0;printf substr($0,2,14) "\t"; } $0 !~ ">" {c+=length($0);} END { print c; }' \
Fundulus_heteroclitus.Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2.dna.toplevel.fa \
| sed 's/dna//g' \
| awk '{print $1"\t"$2}' \
| tail -n +2 \
> mummichog.chrom.length
I then ran the following code:
BAT_summarize \
--in1 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-N4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_20-N2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-N1_CG.bedgraph \
--in2 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S1_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-S2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1_CG.bedgraph \
--groups N,S \
--h1 20-N4,5-N1,5-N2,20-N2,5-N3,20-N1 \
--h2 20-S1,20-S3,20-S4,5-S3,5-S4,5-S2,20-S2,5-S1 \
--out ${ALL_POP} \
While I no longer got an error about missing a required argument, I did get this fun new error!
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_mean_N.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_mean_S.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_diff_N_S.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
[INFO] Wed Apr 27, 12:40:0, 2022 Writing bedgraph files and converting to bw
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-N4.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_5-N1.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_5-N2.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-N2.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_5-N3.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-N1.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-S1.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-S3.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-S4.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_5-S3.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_5-S4.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_5-S2.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
##### AN ERROR has occurred: Could not convert /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_20-S2.bedgraph to /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/
invalid unsigned integer: ":primary"
However, it is producing the bedGraph output. I’m not sure what the .bw
files are necessary for especially if I can use IGV for visualization…maybe for the circos plot I’m not creating? In any case, I followed the instructions on this page to install bedgraphtobigWig
, which is necessary for converting files:
(base) [yaamini.venkataraman@poseidon-l1 ~]$ conda install -c bioconda ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
## Package Plan ##
environment location: /vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/miniconda3
added / updated specs:
- ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
certifi-2021.10.8 | py39hf3d152e_2 145 KB conda-forge
conda-4.12.0 | py39hf3d152e_0 1014 KB conda-forge
mysql-connector-c-6.1.11 | h6eb9d5d_1007 2.7 MB conda-forge
openssl-1.1.1n | h166bdaf_0 2.1 MB conda-forge
ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig-377 | h0b8a92a_2 155 KB bioconda
Total: 6.1 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
mysql-connector-c conda-forge/linux-64::mysql-connector-c-6.1.11-h6eb9d5d_1007
ucsc-bedgraphtobi~ bioconda/linux-64::ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig-377-h0b8a92a_2
The following packages will be UPDATED:
certifi 2021.10.8-py39hf3d152e_1 --> 2021.10.8-py39hf3d152e_2
conda 4.11.0-py39hf3d152e_0 --> 4.12.0-py39hf3d152e_0
openssl 1.1.1l-h7f98852_0 --> 1.1.1n-h166bdaf_0
Proceed ([y]/n)?
Downloading and Extracting Packages
certifi-2021.10.8 | 145 KB | ##################################### | 100%
conda-4.12.0 | 1014 KB | ##################################### | 100%
openssl-1.1.1n | 2.1 MB | ##################################### | 100%
ucsc-bedgraphtobigwi | 155 KB | ##################################### | 100%
mysql-connector-c-6. | 2.7 MB | ##################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
(base) [yaamini.venkataraman@poseidon-l1 ~]$ which bedGraphToBigWig
Since bedGraphToBigWig
is in my home directory, I can specify it in my BAT_summarize
BAT_summarize \
--in1 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-N4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_20-N2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-N1_CG.bedgraph \
--in2 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S1_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-S2_CG.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1_CG.bedgraph \
--groups N,S \
--h1 20-N4,5-N1,5-N2,20-N2,5-N3,20-N1 \
--h2 20-S1,20-S3,20-S4,5-S3,5-S4,5-S2,20-S2,5-S1 \
--out ${ALL_POP} \
--cs ${CHROM_LENGTH} \
-bgbw /yaaminiv/miniconda3/bin/bedGraphToBigWig
Unfortunately I still got the error :/ When reviewing the script Neel sent me again, I noticed that bedGraphs were sorted before running BAT_summarize
. Maybe this could be leading to the error about an invalid unsigned integer? I decided to sort the bedGraphs:
for f in *bedgraph
/vortexfs1/home/yaamini.venkataraman/bedtools2/bin/sortBed \
-i ${f} \
> $(basename ${f%.bedgraph}).sort.bedgraph
I then used the sorted bedGraphs in the command:
BAT_summarize \
--in1 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-N4_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N1_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-N2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_20-N2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-N3_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-N1_CG.sort.bedgraph \
--in2 ${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S1_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S3_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_20-S4_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S3_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L2_5-S4_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L3_5-S2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_20-S2_CG.sort.bedgraph,${FILTERED}/190626_I114_FCH7TVNBBXY_L4_5-S1_CG.sort.bedgraph \
--groups N,S \
--h1 20-N4,5-N1,5-N2,20-N2,5-N3,20-N1 \
--h2 20-S1,20-S3,20-S4,5-S3,5-S4,5-S2,20-S2,5-S1 \
--out ${ALL_POP} \
--cs ${CHROM_LENGTH} \
-bgbw /yaaminiv/miniconda3/bin/bedGraphToBigWig
STILL GETTING THE CONVERSION ERROR. I officially give up and will ask Neel if it’s important to get those files or not. In any case, it’s probably good to use the sorted bedGraphs as input to BAT_summarize
Testing BAT_overview
I don’t need the BigWig files for the next steps, so I moved on to BAT_overview
Singularity> BAT_overview.R \
> -i ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph \
> -o ${ALL_POP} \
> --groups N,S
[INFO] Thu Apr 28, 04:34:53 PM, 2022 BAT_overview v0.1 started
[INFO] Thu Apr 28, 04:34:53 PM, 2022 Checking flags
[INFO] Thu Apr 28, 04:34:53 PM, 2022 Reading input /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_summary_N_S.bedgraph
Error in read.table(file = opt$input.filename, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, :
more columns than column names
Calls: main -> read.table
Execution halted
R is unable to correctly parse the number of columns in the bedGraph. When I counted the number of columns in the file, it looks like there are empty columns in the file that do not have headers:
Singularity> awk '{print NF;exit}' ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph
Singularity> awk '{print NF}' ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph
I used awk
to remove the last three columns from the file:
awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$10"\t"$11"\t"$12"\t"$13"\t"$14"\t"$15"\t"$16"\t"$17}' ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph > ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph.fix
Then I reran the command:
Singularity> BAT_overview.R \
> -i ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph.fix \
> -o ${ALL_POP} \
> --groups N,S
[INFO] Thu Apr 28, 04:56:54 PM, 2022 BAT_overview v0.1 started
[INFO] Thu Apr 28, 04:56:54 PM, 2022 Checking flags
[INFO] Thu Apr 28, 04:56:54 PM, 2022 Reading input /scratch/05-analysis/summarize/all_pop_summary_N_S.bedgraph.fix
Error in rowMeans(data[, opt$g1], na.rm = TRUE) : 'x' must be numeric
Calls: main -> rowMeans
I must admit that at this point it’s pretty frustrating to not be able to engage with the R script interactively. Anyways, I needed to figure out an as.numeric
equivalent for the columns. Instead of reprinting the columns, what if I just removed certain columns from the original file?
cut -f1-17 ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph > ${ALL_POP}_summary_N_S.bedgraph.fix
Turns out that only gives me the same error I had before about extra columns! So awk
was the way to go, which still brings me back to my numeric data issue. Honestly it’s weird that an output file produced with the BAT workflow is producing these errors…so I emailed the BAT creators. Between them and Neel hopefully I can figure out what the issue is.
Going forward
- Ask Neel about differences between L4 and L2/L3
- Figure out
error - Figure out
error (add line of code to make all column data numerical to BAT_overview.R?) - Confirm contrasts with Neel
- Run