March 2025 Goals
YIKES I haven’t made a goals post yet this year! January was a blur with SICB, vacation, and a job interview. February was devoted to labwork. So let’s see where things stand? And of course, outline the many overlapping goals I have for this month.
December Goals Recap
Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment:
- Ran into several hiccups, but FINALLY finished genotyping MA crabs in February!
- Genotyped WA crabs that were alive for the whole experiment in December! Made good progress on the remaining crabs in February.
- Incorporated genotype into preliminary MA TTR analysis
- Incorporated genotype into preliminary WA TTR analysis
Green Crab Pilot Experiment:
NSF Grant:
- Finalized project summary!
- Shared the project summary with a program officer at SICB
- Then all hell broke loose with the new administration so this grant writing is being tabled indefinitely
West Coast Green Crab Experiment:
- Budgeted remaining NSF money
- Started getting quotes for metabolomics and transcriptomics sequencing
- Presented a talk on the 2024 data at SICB!
- Started on the ICB perspective paper
- Started on the ICB genotype and acute stress paper
- Re-familiarized myself with the Hawaii paper for an April aquaculture special issue
- GOT A JOB OFFER AND SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATED AND SIGNED!! More on that in a future lab notebook post
March Goals
Green Crab Pilot Experiment:
- Finish -omics integration analysis
- Finish -omics and physiology integration analysis
- Update methods
- Update results
- Write discussion
- Write introduction
- Write abstract
Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment:
- Finish genotyping WA crabs
- Genotype Catlin’s crabs
- Write methods
- Write results
- Write discussion
West Coast Green Crab Experiment:
- Identify samples for metabolomics and transcriptomics sequencing
- Send metabolomics samples out for sequencing
- Identify transcriptomics sequencing facility
- Pay for transcriptomics services before March 25
- Clean the RNA room
- Start RNA extractions
Perspective Piece:
- Finish manuscript text
- Draft boxes and figures
Hawaii Gigas Methylation:
- Revise
methylKit code
- Run
with the new C. gigas genome - Update methods and results
- Revise discussion
- Revise introduction
- Revise abstract
Deep Freeze
Things that are not immediate enough to be on the backburner, so they’re stuck in the deep freeze.
Coral Transcriptomics:
These are things I need to do and can probably knock out in a week, but I think they’re a lower priority right now for me since there’s more momentum on other projects. At the very least, I need to reach out to collaborators and get this going again.
- Revise abstract
- Write discussion
- Write introduction