MethCompare Part 29
Returning to contingency tests
After weeks of procrastination because…well I don’t have an admirable “because” (end of quarter burnout that magically starts before the end of the quarter anyone?), but I’m finally revising statistical methods! Based on a discusison I had with Katie in relation to this issue, my original method of contingency tests to discern library preparation method-based differences in CpG location was the right approach. Even though the large sample sizes would lead to significant results, I could qualify those responses with an effect size in the discussion text.
For both M. capitata and P. acuta, I looked at differences in CpG location (CDS, intron, upstream flank, downstream flank, and intergenic) between the methods (WGBS vs. RRBS, WGBS vs. MBDBS, and RRBS vs. MBDBS). I also examined differences between genomic CpG locations and the locations of CpG with data for each method. I used the 5x union BEDgraph data I generated for each method for this analysis.
In this script, I conducted contingency tests based on my original code! I was hoping to find it in the file’s revision history, but since all my code files have been renamed, the previous commits weren’t available. Thank goodness I included it in this lab notebook post.
First, I reformatted the data so the CpG counts for each genomic location were organized by method. For each method comparison, I subsetted the necessary rows, counted the number of CpGs in a genomic feature and not in that feature, then performed the chi-squared contingency test:
McapCpGLocationWGRR <- data.frame() #Create empty dataframe to store chi-squared results
for(i in 1:ncol(McapCpGLocationStatTest)) { #For each genome feature
Method1Feature <- McapCpGLocationStatTest[2,i] #Variable for # genome feature overlaps for method 1
Method2Feature <- McapCpGLocationStatTest[3,i] #Variable for # genome feature overlaps for method 2
Method1NotFeature <- sum(McapCpGLocationStatTest[2,-i]) #Variable for # other CpG types for method 1
Method2NotFeature <- sum(McapCpGLocationStatTest[3,-i]) #Variable for # other CpG types for method 2
ct <- matrix(c(Method1Feature, Method2Feature, Method1NotFeature, Method2NotFeature), ncol = 2) #Create contingency table
colnames(ct) <- c(as.character(colnames(McapCpGLocationStatTest[i])), paste0("Not", colnames(McapCpGLocationStatTest[i]))) #Assign column names: type, not type
rownames(ct) <- c(as.character(row.names(McapCpGLocationStatTest)[c(2,3)])) #Assign row names: method 1, method 2
print(ct) #Confirm table is correct
ctResults <- data.frame(broom::tidy(chisq.test(ct))) #Create dataframe storing chi-sq stats results. Use broom::tidy to extract results from test output
ctResults$GenomeFeature <- as.character(colnames(McapCpGLocationStatTest)[i]) #Add CpG type to results
McapCpGLocationWGRR <- rbind(McapCpGLocationWGRR, ctResults) #Add test statistics to master table
I then used an FDR threshold to correct for multiple comparisons and added comparison information to the data table:
McapCpGLocationWGRR$p.adj <- p.adjust(McapCpGLocationWGRR$p.value, method = "fdr") #Correct p-value using FDR
McapCpGLocationWGRR$comparison <- rep("WGBS vs. RRBS", times = 5) #Add methods compared
head(McapCpGLocationWGRR) #Confirm changes
I saved the statistical output for all M. capitata comparisons here and for all P. acuta comparisons here. As expected, almost all comparisons were significant. I need to create supplemental tables and update my methods and results information in the manuscript.
Going forward
- Update methods and results
- Contribute to discussion