September 2024 Goals


I got a good amount of work done last month, but not as much as I needed to! However, I’m still feeling motivated so I’m going to ride that motivation before and after my end-of-summer vacation.

August Goals Recap

August Goals

Green Crab Pilot Experiment:

West Coast Green Crab Experiment:

…still didn’t do anything with this

Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment:

Killifish Methylation and Expression:


  • Supervised Catlin and Heidi as they analyze data and make their final presentations!
  • Submitted SICB abstract for short-term acclimation paper
  • Updated CV
  • Submitted CEABiGR paper revision!
  • Drafted NSF ORCC project summary

September Goals

Green Crab Pilot Experiment:

  • Repeated measures analysis without crab ID for TTR data
  • Finalize lipidomics analysis
  • Determine if physiology data can be integrated with -omics data
  • Determine if metabolomics and lipidomics data can be integrated
  • Update methods
  • Update results
  • Write discussion
  • Write introduction
  • Write abstract

West Coast Green Crab Experiment:

  • Update summer notebook
  • Identify samples for metabolomics and lipidomics sequencing

Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment:

  • Return to troubleshooting DNA extractions
  • Return to troubleshooting triglyceride assay


  • Reread relevant literature
  • Finalize project summary
  • Full grant draft
  • Send materials to collaborators

Job Applications:

  • Create job application schedule
  • Update job application materials
  • Apply for relevant jobs

Killifish Methylation and Expression:

  • Update methods and results
  • Assist with discussion writing

Deep Freeze

Things that are not immediate enough to be on the backburner, so they’re stuck in the deep freeze.

Coral Transcriptomics:

These are things I need to do and can probably knock out in a week, but I think they’re a lower priority right now for me since there’s more momentum on other projects.

  • Revise abstract
  • Write discussion
  • Write introduction

Hawaii Gigas Methylation:

I’ll return to this when the CEABiGR paper is published.

  • Finish methylKit contingency tests
  • Conduct a randomization test for DML identification
  • Integrate other epigenetic datasets
  • Update methods and results
  • Revise discussion
Written on September 1, 2024