April 2017 Goals
I was so busy catching up on classes I forgot it was April!
March Goals Recap
NSA went well! I’m happy with my poster, and I learned a lot about the field and hashed out some future directions for my projects. It was also really flattering that people thought I was a late-career Ph.D student (I’m not sure if they thought I just looked old or if my work was at that level, but I’d like to think it was the latter). I still haven’t touched either Pubathon paper in a while, nor have I thought about future experiments. But hey, that’s what monthly goals are for, right?
April Goals
This month, I want to focus on my metaanalysis since I was so absorbed in the DNR project last quarter. I also need to think critically about the questions I want to address with the Manchester experiment.
Manchester Project:
- Shut down OA experimenta and sample oysters: April 8
- Develop heat shock plan: April 17
- Develop in-depth spawning plan: April 30
- Schedule labwork: April 30
Metaanalysis Paper:
- Formulate question: April 11
- Analysis plan/methods: April 13
- Introduction: April 30
DNR Project:
- Meet with all involved parties to discuss next step in analysis: April 20
DNR Paper:
- Update methods: April 10
- Introduction: April 20
- Committee Ideas: When I met with Steven this week, we decided to think about the committee more in the summer. However, I now think it may be best for me to establish my committee this quarter so I can use my time over the summer to develop my proposal and have my committee provide feedback.
- Brainstorm members + reasons why: April 10
- Run ideas by Steven: April 13
- Contact individuals: April 20
- PCSGA Abstract: April 13
- Shellfish Permitting White Paper
- Readings: April 10
- Contact experts for interviews: April 10
- Draft 1: April 14
- Draft 2: April 21
- Final Draft: April 28
- ASLO Science Communication Internship Application: April 28