August 2023 Goals
By starting new things, maybe that means actually setting reasonable goals. Jury’s out on whether or not it’ll work.
July Goals recap
Green Crab Pilot Experiment:
- I finished the respirometry analysis! Kinda. It’s 80% done without removing the background because Julia wanted to use my script to analyze her data
West Coast Green Crab Experiment:
- Can confirm I am physically alive but maybe not all there mentally
Summer Students:
- Assisted with Lauren’s abstract for SACNAS
- Didn’t need to write Julia a letter after all, but I wrote one for Lauren’s SACNAS application!
- Assisted students with their independent projects and analysis
- Facilitated introductions between students and other WHOI scientists
Coral Transcriptomics:
- Started reworking metaanalysis
Hawaii Gigas Methylation:
- Added Rajan’s edits as comments to the draft manuscript
August Goals
Green Crab Pilot Experiment:
- Remove background respiration from oxygen consumption calculations
- Update methods and results
West Coast Green Crab Experiment:
- Shut down the 15ºC and 25ºC tanks during week 6
- Shut down the 5ºC tanks during week 7
- Investigate any discrepancies in crab labelling and update relevant spreadsheets
Hawaii Gigas Methylation:
- Get other epigenetic datasets
- Finish
contingency tests - Conduct a randomization test for DML identification
- Integrate with other epigenetic datasets
- Update methods and results
- Review paper for Evolutionary Applications
- Review paper for Aquaculture
- Start draft of Evolution Symposium
- Revise CV
- Revise research statement
- Revise teaching statement
Deep Freeze
Things that are not immediate enough to be on the backburner, so they’re stuck in the deep freeze.
Virginica Methylation and Expression:
I’ll return to this when I have an updated discussion for the Hawaii paper.
- Update methods and results from quadratic addition to transcriptional noise model
- Compare transcriptional noise analysis with Liew and Aranda papers
Killifish Methylation and Expression:
I’ll return to this when I have a good draft of the coral paper.
- Pathway analysis for RNA-Seq data
- Determine protocol for SNP identification
- Conduct in silico RRBS digestion
- Characterize DEG that overlap between populations
- Quantify gene expression variability
- Visualize DEG data
Zebrafish DNMT:
I’ll think about this once I have a robust killifish paper draft.
- Identify a stress condition to use for the zebrafish based on disease factors or conditions that are known to induce changes in methylation
- Determine physiological endpoints to assess for embryos
- Construct a project timeline