December 2020 Goals
What last-minute panic is better than end-of-the-year panic?! I’ve got 17 days of time in Seattle before heading back to California for a bit of a break, so let’s see if my work expectations will actually meet my reality.
November Goals Recap
Virginica Labwork:
- Started checking DNA and RNA quality, but found out shortly after I started the process that I didn’t need to do that!
- Re-extracted DNA (and RNA) from two low-yield female samples
- Identified a protocol for sperm samples but did not test it
Coral Methylation Comparison:
- Calculated genome-wide methylation, but didn’t finalize contingency tests or the manuscript
- Submitted the NSF PRFB!
- Finalized ocean acidification and reproduction reivew for friendly reviewers!
December Goals
Virginica Labwork:
- Extract sperm DNA and RNA
- Send nucleic acids for library preparation
- Determine if there are mantle samples I want to extract
ATAC-Seq Labwork:
- Purchase reagents and identify samples to test cell dissociation protocols
- Ensure protocol is easy to follow and is accessible for the lab
- Dissociate and cryopreserve some cells
Gigas Labwork:
- If there’s some lag time while waiting for ATAC-Seq reagents, test RNA extraction protocol
- Extract RNA from samples sent for WGBS
- Send RNA for library preparation and sequencing
- Identify location of larval samples for potential extractions
Coral Methylation Comparison:
- Perform contingency tests for genomic location
- Update methods and results
- Contribute to the discussion
- Finalize manuscript for NOAA internal review!
Written on December 1, 2020