June 2024 Goals

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9 11 13 PM

With all the chaos in my brain right now jumping between projects that are all urgent, I am Yoda. My overarching goal for the summer is to keep momentum on postdoc projects and wrap a few up into preprints (at least).

April (and I guess May?) Goals recap

Green Crab Pilot Experiment:

West Coast Green Crab Experiment:

Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment:

Killifish Methylation and Expression:


  • Planned and started recruited participants for the RIE2 hackathon!
  • Advertised RIE2 database
  • Booked flights and hotels for SEB
  • Started workshopping NSF ORCC proposal ideas

June Goals

Green Crab Pilot Experiment:

  • Finalize metabolomics analysis
  • Finalize lipidomics analysis
  • Update methods
  • Update results

West Coast Green Crab Experiment:

  • Genotype-specific mortality analysis
  • Update summer notebook
  • Identify samples for metabolomics and lipidomics sequencing
  • Start manuscript

Cold Acclimation Green Crab Experiment:

  • Develop heart rate protocol
  • Obtain and label remaining MA crabs
  • Genotype MA crabs
  • Run MA experiment!
  • Obtain and label WA crabs
  • Start genotyping WA crabs

Killifish Methylation and Expression:

  • Create general methylation figure
  • DMR adjacency analysis
  • Create DMR figure
  • Identify SNPs in DMR
  • Update methods
  • Update results


  • Make poster for SEB
  • Continue developing ideas for NSF ORCC proposal
  • Work on CEABiGR reviewer comments
  • Finalize participant list for the RIE2 hackathon
  • Plan RIE2 hackathon launch event

Deep Freeze

Things that are not immediate enough to be on the backburner, so they’re stuck in the deep freeze.

Coral Transcriptomics:

These are things I need to do and can probably knock out in a week, but I think they’re a lower priority right now for me since there’s more momentum on other projects.

  • Revise abstract
  • Write discussion
  • Write introduction

Hawaii Gigas Methylation:

I’ll return to this when I have a good draft of the coral paper.

  • Finish methylKit contingency tests
  • Conduct a randomization test for DML identification
  • Integrate other epigenetic datasets
  • Update methods and results
  • Revise discussion

Zebrafish DNMT:

I’ll think about this once I have a robust killifish paper draft.

  • Identify a stress condition to use for the zebrafish based on disease factors or conditions that are known to induce changes in methylation
  • Determine physiological endpoints to assess for embryos
  • Construct a project timeline
Written on June 1, 2024