March 2018 Goals
[Insert something witty about March Madness]
February Goals Recap:
- I made progress on my DNR paper! I now have a solid figure, and relatively complete methods and results sections.
- Started putting things in my paper repository. I haven’t sorted through anything, but most of what I think will be important is there.
- Analyzed my reproductive output data. While there was no difference in egg production between females exposed to the different pH treatments, there was a significant difference in hatch rates. Any cross with a female exposed to low pH had a significantly lower hatch rate.
- Decided not to start any labwork with the C. gigas histology samples just yet. If we find something interesting int he C. virginica gonad samples, then we can think about the C. gigas gonad samples.
- Met with Tim to discuss the best way to analyze my gonad histology data. We started an R Script with a binomial glm that I’ll modify in the near future.
- Wrapped up the C. virginica labwork!
- Updated my section of the People page. It now includes my research interests, other interests, reasons to contact me, and my contact information!
March Goals:
- Write my discussion, introduction and abstract (i.e. finish the paper)
- Finalize paper repository contents and supplemental information section
- Send draft to Alex and Micah (after Steven, Emma and Brent give the all-clear)
- Finish analyzing gonad histology data
- Analyze larval mortality data
- Put together my NSA presentation!
- Set up C. viriginica data analysis pipeline using oil spill samples
- Read papers
- Draft introduction
- Schedule time every day to read at least one paper. I hate reading, but I need to do it! It’ll be my version of #MarchMadness.
- Come up with broad project ideas for my next chapter. Current ideas include incorporating “-omics” data into climate change predictions (à la Dr. Rachel Bay), examining epigenetic signatures of marine invasions AND climate-related stressors, and/or doing more work outside of controlled hatchery and lab settings. Reading should help with this.
Written on March 1, 2018