March 2020 Goals
Me trying to make connections between my quals readings and themes…T-15 days rIP.
February Goals Recap:
- Made good progress on my first read but then paused to work on analyses for Ocean Sciences and work on my manuscript revision…which is kind of indirectly studying right?
Gigas Gonad Methylation:
- Comparex C. gigas and C. virginica sequencing methods and general methylation landscapes
- Generated and compared methylation islands for both species
- Compared C. gigas and C. virginica DML lists
- Did not conduct GO-MWU and DMG analysis for C. gigas DML. With two samples total, I realized I wouldn’t have any sort of statistical power for meaningful conclusions
- Put together poster for Ocean Sciences!
Virginica Gonad Methylation:
All Mechanism Study:
- Tried extracting RNA and DNA from adductor tissue…did not go well so I gave up on labwork for the month.
- Reviewed paper for ICES!
March Goals
- Finish first and second read of all materials to establish connections to topic, other topics, and my research
- Meet with committee members to recap expectations for the exam
- Take the exam…maybe even pass
- Eat, sleep, don’t get coronavirus and all that jazz
Written on March 1, 2020