February 2018 Goals
Tryna make the most out of this short month
- Successfully turned in a draft of my proteomics paper! I got some feedback form Emma, Brent and Steven
- I’m almost done with my C. virginica MBD-Seq. I sheared DNA, prepared reagents for labwork, bound DNA to the beads, and started the ethanol precipitation.
- Sam said that I’ll have to wait a few months to get sequencing data back, so I didn’t focus too much on a plan for C. virginica post-sequencing.
- It also means I probably won’t have C. gigas MBD-Seq data for NSA, so I’ll just focus on the reproductive physiology.
- Speaking of which…I finished the C. gigas histology analyses!
- I have (another) plan for the metaanalysis so I can work on something while I wait for sequencing data. I’m going to read and write my introduction first, then see if there’s any data to analyze
- It wasn’t an explicit goal, but I made my lab notebook more user friendly with tags and comments!
February Goals:
- Get the DNR paper ready for submission
- Address edits from Emma, Steven and Brent
- Remake figures!
- Send for another one-two rounds of feedback
- Compile a corresponding DNR paper repository
- Assess statistical significance of differences in gonad histology, reproductive output, fertilization rates and larvae produced
- Analyze larval mortality data
- Start C. gigas RNA-Seq and MBD-Seq protocols
- Finish C. virginica MBD-Seq protocol
- Read relevant papers
- Draft metaanalysis introduction
- Update People page according to previous feedback
Written on February 1, 2018